Alpha and Omega Semiconductor, Inc. - Alpha and Omega Semiconductor, Inc., or AOS, is a designer, developer and global supplier of a broad range of power semiconductors, including a wide portfolio of Power MOSFET and Power IC products. AOS seeks to differentiate itself by integrating its expertise in device physics, process technology, design and advanced packaging to optimize product performance and cost, and its product portfolio is designed to meet the ever increasing power efficiency requirements in high volume applications, including portable computers, flat panel TVs, battery packs, portable media players and power supplies.
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor公司是一家开发先进的模拟电源管理解决方案的半导体研发公司。AOS提供包括电源MOSFET、电源IC和瞬态电压抑制器在内的广泛产品组合,融入了设备设计、硅和封装技术领域的先进成果。AOS产品满足了大众消费应用如便携式和台式电脑、数码相机、手机和液晶显示面板等对性能和功效不断增长的需要。AOS在全球设有办事处,其中包括美国、中国大陆、香港、台湾及韩国。