Xilinx - Since its founding more than 25 years ago, Xilinx has been a semiconductor industry leader at the forefront of technology, market and business achievement. Whether pioneering the fabless manufacturing model, inventing the FPGA, ranking among the world's leading patent holders, or delivering products and services distinguished by their quality and reputation for customer satisfaction, a spirit of innovation has driven the company to break new ground.
Today, Xilinx is one of the world's leading providers of programmable platforms, with $1.8B in revenues in fiscal year 2010 and more than 50 percent market share in the programmable logic device segment of the semiconductor industry (Source: iSuppli Corp.).
Fostering Engineering Innovation
Xilinx programmable chips are the innovation platform of choice for today's leading companies for the design of tens of thousands of products that improve the quality of our everyday lives.
The company’s Targeted Design Platforms, which integrate hardware and software components to speed design work, underpin today’s most advanced electronics. Xilinx’s award-winning silicon, software, IP, boards, kits and reference designs are used to design next-generation electronic systems in a broad range of end markets, including aerospace & defense, automotive, consumer, industrial, medical, scientific, and wired & wireless communications.
Today, Xilinx chips are designed into automotive navigation systems and rear-seat displays, ultrasound imaging systems, IT gear for wireless computing and mobile applications, 3-D TV, and sophisticated mobile communications systems used on the networked battlefield. They’re even on board the Mars Rover space mission.
Enabling Competitive Differentiation
To help its customers achieve a sustainable competitive advantage, Xilinx is committed to leading the industry in silicon innovation to deliver unparalleled price, power, performance, density, functionality and programmability with each generation of silicon platforms, built on the world’s most advanced chip making technology. The company is equally committed to providing simpler, smarter programmable solutions that allow software and hardware designers alike to leverage open standards, common design methodologies, development tools, and run-time platforms.
Due to the inherent flexibility of Xilinx programmable platforms, more than 20,000 customers are:
Delivering innovative new products to market in a matter of weeks
Drastically reducing R&D costs
Changing/upgrading end product features and functions to meet new market demands and adapt to changing industry standards
Xilinx(赛灵思)是全球领先的可编程逻辑完整解决方案的供应商。Xilinx研发、制造并销售范围广泛的高级集成电路、软件设计工具以及作为预定义系统级功能的IP(Intellectual Property)核。客户使用Xilinx及其合作伙伴的自动化软件工具和IP核对器件进行编程,从而完成特定的逻辑操作。Xilinx公司成立于 1984年,Xilinx首创了现场可编程逻辑阵列(FPGA)这一创新性的技术,并于1985年首次推出商业化产品。目前Xilinx满足了全世界对 FPGA产品一半以上的需求。Xilinx产品线还包括复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)。在某些控制应用方面CPLD通常比FPGA速度快,但其提供的逻辑资源较少。Xilinx可编程逻辑解决方案缩短了电子设备制造商开发产品的时间并加快了产品面市的速度,从而减小了制造商的风险。与采用传统方法如固定逻辑门阵列相比,利用Xilinx可编程器件,客户可以更快地设计和验证他们的电路。而且,由于Xilinx器件是只需要进行编程的标准部件,客户不需要象采用固定逻辑芯片时那样等待样品或者付出巨额成本。Xilinx产品已经被广泛应用于从无线电话基站到DVD播放机的数字电子应用技术中。传统的半导体公司只有几百个客户,而Xilinx在全世界有7,500多家客户及50,000多个设计开端。其客户包括Alcatel,Cisco Systems,EMC,Ericsson,Fujitsu,Hewlett-Packard,IBM,Lucent Technologies,Motorola,NEC,Nokia,Nortel,Samsung,Siemens,Sony,Oracle以及Toshiba。
总部设在加利福尼亚圣何塞市(San Jose)的Xilinx公司是NASDAQ上市公司,代码为XLNX。Xilinx公司在全世界约有2,600名员工,其中约一半是软件开发工程师。尽管经济发展迟缓,科技界发展疲软,Xilinx 2003财政年度公司财政收入稳定。Xilinx 目前被广泛认为是半导体行业中管理最佳,财务状况良好的高科技企业。在财富杂志(Fortune Magazine)2003年“100家最适合工作的企业”排名中,Xilinx 名列前列,并被广泛认为是半导体行业中管理最佳,财务状况良好的高科技企业。旧金山编年史(San Francisco Chronicle)也把Xilinx 选为矽谷最适合工作的五十家公司之一。Xilinx 在Business Week S&P500表现最佳的50家公司中名列前列,并被福布斯杂志(Forbes)评为400个最佳的大公司之一。Xilinx 两家客户Cisco及Lucent,选出 Xilinx 是他们公司年度供应商。